The rally is deemed a great success. Had a large, very enthusiastic crowd. Everybody was adamant about not moving the Cenotaph. The media was there. Very good speakers. It should give some good publicity to the issue. The general sentiment was very anti-Bush. Thanks to all who showed up as well as those who supported the event.
Here's a complete 52 minute video of the Rally.
Here's a 3-1/2 minute summary.
Saturday, October 14 at noon. Join others at the Alamo Plaza.
On Saturday, October 14th at noon, Lee Spencer White of the Alamo Defenders
Descendants Association (the actual bloodline descendants of the Defenders) will stage a
major rally of all Alamo supporters to protest against the removal of the Cenotaph. Please
mark your calendar—Saturday, October 14 at noon. Gather in front of the Alamo, near the
Cenotaph. Signs will be available for you to carry.
All the media will be present, so it is critical that she has the most impressive crowd
possible. If you are located in the South Texas area or can get there that day, please do
everything possible to attend. We must have a large show of strength, not weakness. This is
imperative; without a large crowd, the whole effort could backfire.
Please do your utmost to attend and bring friends with you. If you really do care,
SHOW UP. Talk is cheap. This could be our last opportunity to save the Cenotaph. We need
Regardless of the alleged merits of moving the monument, there is no guarantee that
it could be moved without doing major damage or even destroying it. Unbeknownst to many,
the radical City Council of San Antonio has already voted to remove the Cenotaph. (And the
"new plan" by George P. Bush still includes the removal of the Cenotaph.) The City Council
vote took place last May. We have it from good sources that the City of San Antonio is already
in the midst of making plans to move the Cenotaph.
This is like the Sword of Damocles hanging over the monument. The threat is real.
Right now there is absolutely nothing to prevent the City from pulling another midnight
maneuver and removing the Cenotaph in the dark of night just as they did the statue in Travis
Park a few weeks ago.
P.S. This may be our ONE opportunity to show the San Antonio City Council and George
P. Bush how much Texans really care about the Alamo. So come put your body where your
mouth is. For one special day make the supreme effort and COME CROSS THE LINE. It is
little compared to what the Defenders did for us—they sacrificed ALL.
We must act as if the entire future of the Alamo depended upon our presence, and it
well could. Do not just sit there complaining, and then later bemoan the fact that the Alamo
has been ruined. If you ever wished that you could have done something to defend the
Alamo, now is that time. Please do not let this call go unheeded.
We need groups of you to caravan in carpools from your town from all across the
state. Don't just depend on the local San Antonio-area people to represent all of us. They
cannot carry the burden alone. Considering what is at stake, we need to show up not in the
hundreds--but THOUSANDS. In truth, we need this to be the largest gathering of people to
assemble in front of the Alamo ever in history. PLEASE DO YOUR PART. Here's a 52 minute video of the Rally. The rally is deemed a great success. Had a large, very enthusiastic crowd. Everybody was adamant about not moving the Cenotaph. The media was there. Very good speakers. It should give some good publicity to the issue. The general sentiment was very anti-Bush. Thanks to all who showed up as well as those who supported the event.
Memorial to the Alamo Heroes
Towering 60 feet high and located adjacent to the surviving buildings of the Alamo itself, San Antonio's "Alamo Cenotaph" pays tribute to the men who died defending the ancient mission in 1836 rather than surrender to overwhelming odds. Titled "The Spirit of Sacrifice," the Cenotaph (or "empty tomb") was created by sculptor Pompeo Coppini from a design envisioned by architect Carlton Adams. Begun in 1937, the Cenotaph took two years to complete and is itself now a historical treasure.
According to tradition the Alamo Cenotaph marks the spot where the slain defenders of the fortified mission were piled after the battle and burned in great funeral pyres. The remains were later collected by local citizens and today located in a marble casket at nearby San Fernando Cathedral.
Erected through the auspices of the Texas Centennial Commission, the monument is sculpted from marble and stands upon a base of pink Texas granite. Seen on the sides of the Cenotaph are carvings of the Alamo defenders, including depictions of William B. Travis, Jim Bowie, David Crockett and James B. Bonham. The monument also bears the names of men who died at the Alamo.
Erected in Memory of the Heroes who sacrificed their lives at the Alamo, March 6, 1836 in the defense of Texas, "They chose never to surrender nor retreat, these brave hearts with flag still proudly waving perished in the flames of immortality that their high sacrifice might lead to the founding of this Texas."
Today, the historic Cenotaph is under threat by tyrants in office such as SA City Councilman Roberto Trevino & Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush. It is part of the "Reimagine the Alamo" plan that is despised by many Texans. Once again we find ourselves with politicians who do not care what the will of the people is, instead only what they can make money off of.
TITFF ask our members & supporters to please join us as we join forces with the Alamo Defenders Descendants & rally in the plaza to bring more awareness to this issue in hopes we the people can save it before it is too late. Texans, these men fought for us, "NEVER SURRENDER NOR RETREAT", it's time we act like Texans and fight to save the Cenotaph!
Oct. 14, 2017 • High noon (12pm) •The Alamo Cenotaph
I'm Lee Spencer White, the founder and president of the Alamo Defenders Descendants Association–the only organization comprised solely of Alamo's direct bloodline. We are the families of Esparza, Crockett, Kimble and Jimenez and our mission is simple: Preserve and honor the memory of the men, women and children who died at the Alamo March 6, 1836.
Today, we find ourselves in a new battle at the Alamo. As I'm sure you're aware the General Land Office in partnership with the City of San Antonio and the private Alamo Endowment—is implementing a "Reimagine the Alamo" plan that dramatically changes the Alamo Plaza. The Alamo bloodline is shocked by one feature of the new plan—the removal of the historic Alamo Cenotaph Memorial from the Plaza. Equivalent to ripping the beating heart from the Alamo!
The Cenotaph was created by Italian-born world renown sculptor Pompeo Coppinni for the 1936 100-year celebration of the Texas Revolution. It is the only memorial to the Alamo defenders on land we consider hallowed ground. We the descendants who number in the thousands nationwide, consider Alamo Plaza our family cemetery and the Cenotaph our family headstone.
Imagine moving such a memorial from the World Trade Center site in New York?
We are turning to our fellow Texans and all who love the Alamo to come to our aid and help prevent the Cenotaph from being moved blocks away from the Alamo and sacred ground.
Save the Alamo Cenotaph Protest
Saturday October 14 ,2017
High Noon-1:30 pm
300 Alamo Plaza at the Cenotaph
Help us defend the Alamo Defenders Memory. Don't drive a stake in the heart of Texas!
Folks, this is the line drawn in the sand and please come to our aid.
Lee Spencer White
1200 Big Bend
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
361 701 0609
One week from today is the big day—the Rally at the Alamo to save the Cenotaph on Saturday, October 14th at 12 noon.
This will be the most important and the biggest public gathering in front of the Alamo in our lifetime. If you have not already done so, please make plans to be there and CROSS THE LINE.
The Alamo really needs you at this time like never before, so please make sure you are there and also inform everybody else that you possibly can and encourage them to come. All Texans who truly care about the Alamo should make whatever sacrifices are necessary in order to attend.
There will be live music, noted speakers, and most importantly, the opportunity to deliver a powerful message to the state and local officials who wish to remove the Cenotaph and destroy the heritage of the Alamo.
This is one event that you WILL not want to miss.
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